ADWEEK Reporters Share Their Favorite Stories of 2024
The Business of Being Kevin Smith
“Kevin Smith likes to portray himself as the ultimate slacker, but you can’t sustain a 30-year career in Hollywood without some serious business acumen. Being able to reveal the secret origin of ‘Business Kev’ warmed my Gen X heart.” —Ethan Alter
This ACD Plays Disc Golf, a Sport Both Goofy and Technical
For the most part, ADWEEK is a B2B publication, but I got into journalism to tell people’s stories. Our Off the Clock series, about the hobbies, side hustles, and sports that creatives make time for outside of their work, has been an endless source of wildly interesting stories and, as in this piece, learning about something I didn’t even know existed. (I also hope these pieces serve as a reminder that doing something just for yourself is not a luxury, but an essential part of life.) —Eva Kis
Press Releases Have Become Way Too Hyperbolic
If the goal is persuasion, and the method of persuasion is words, then public relations specialists need to do a better job of choosing their words. Simply saying a new product or service or corporate decision is “interesting” without showing how or why is not it. That said, it’s still a step above saying something is “very interesting.” —Paul Hiebert
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