The world’s longest flight which spans 9,500 miles and lasts a gruelling 18 hours | World | News

The world’s longest flight which spans 9,500 miles and lasts a gruelling 18 hours | World | News

Cutting-edge aviation technology has made long-haul travel easier and faster than ever. This allows for state-of-the-art planes and optimises travel itineraries, meaning holidaymakers can spend even more time exploring the places they have chosen to visit.  When most people think of the longest plane journey – people often think that travelling from the UK to…

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US Citizenship: Indians become 2nd-largest group to gain US citizenship in FY 2024 | Ahmedabad News

US Citizenship: Indians become 2nd-largest group to gain US citizenship in FY 2024 | Ahmedabad News

AHMEDABAD: Solidifying their presence in the US, Indians emerged as the second-largest group to gain US citizenship in FY 2024. According to the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) department, 49,700 Indians were naturalised last year, making up 6.1% of new citizens. They cemented their place in the American fabric, just behind Mexico’s 13.1%.Naturalisation is…

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